Short vowels
Long vowels
Pseudo diphthongs
Sound Stability


🇳🇱 Navigatie

You just learned how to go to the previous and the next page and how to mark a lesson as complete.

Now, let’s take a look at the menu on the left.

You will see that the course has multiple blocks. This course consists of 4 blocks. Each block contains multiple lessons.

If you click on the arrow of the lesson, you will see the lesson consists of multiple topics and quizzes.

For example, we are now in the navigation topic of the tutorial lesson.

If you are looking for a certain topic, you can easily go there by clicking on it.

Do you want a quick overview of the lesson? You can find this for each lesson by clicking on the name of the lesson itself.

For now, let’s close the navigation by clicking on the arrow next to the course name.

We recommend closing the menu during your lessons for a better experience.